Here is the 15-second teaser for the upcoming fourth live action TV special of the mystery manga and anime Detective Conan, entitled “Detective Conan Drama Special: Shinichi Kudō and the Case of the Kyoto Shinsengumi Murder.”
The high school detectives of the East and West meet as Shinichi and Heiji compete to solve a murder at a Kyoto film studio.The special marks the return of Junpei Mizobata (Hana Kimi, 81-Diver),Shiori Kutsuna (BECK, Mei-chan no Shitsuji) and Takatori Jinnai, as Shinichi Kudo, Ran and Kogoro Mori, respectively. Tori Matsuzaka (Samurai Sentai Shinkenger, Death Game Park) and Rei Okamoto (Kamen Rider Kiva The Movie) reprises their roles from the recent Detective Conan drama series, as Heiji Hatori and Kuzuha Toyama, respectively.