New Power Rangers Megaforce Robo Knight Debuts. Power Rangers Megaforce is back with a new episode appropriately titled “Robo Knight,” which aired yesterday on Nickelodeon. A highly anticipated sixth teammate makes his first appearance. The mysterious Robo Knight joined the Megaforce Rangers. Can he help them defeat toxic monsters that threaten the earth?
Saban and Nickelodeon have both been heavily promoting Robo Knight since before the series even came out, so look to the new episode to be something of a game changer in the season. Saban has also released three preview clips from the episode on their YouTube page. There’s plenty of Ranger fighting going on as per usual, plus some slapstick from the Rangers’ resident teacher. And of course, the final clip shows off Robo Knight’s first appearance. Also Megaforce Rangers actually changed their wardrobe for once they’re all wearing hats this time! Power Rangers Megaforce airs Saturdays at 1 p.m/12c only on Nickelodeon.
Saban and Nickelodeon have both been heavily promoting Robo Knight since before the series even came out, so look to the new episode to be something of a game changer in the season. Saban has also released three preview clips from the episode on their YouTube page. There’s plenty of Ranger fighting going on as per usual, plus some slapstick from the Rangers’ resident teacher. And of course, the final clip shows off Robo Knight’s first appearance. Also Megaforce Rangers actually changed their wardrobe for once they’re all wearing hats this time! Power Rangers Megaforce airs Saturdays at 1 p.m/12c only on Nickelodeon.