Hikonin Sentai Akibaranger Episode 6

Hikonin Sentai Akibaranger Episode 6
Hakase is about to make out with one of her workers.
Way to pull off a different take on a cameo appearance, Akibaranger. Why have a cameo of an actor that played as a Sentai character when you can have the suit actor behind the hero instead. These people are the pride and joy of any action series, since they are making sure that each flip, punch, and kick are done in the most precise and flashy manner. 
Mitsuki manage to steal the show today with the training that she received so that she can become a true Akibaranger. Thus making them one step closer to becoming an official series -- I doubt it. 
I did not see this one coming but the ending for today opens up to many possibilities on where they could take the humor and story. Hakase will probably be the main focus of it all as we might discover the secrets behind the Grand Delusion. Most importantly, will Yumeria finally get her own Penultimate Power? Find out next week on the next pain inducing episode of Hikonin Sentai Akibaranger