Power Rangers Samurai Super Samurai

So back in May it was announced that Power Rangers is NOT over and there will be a new, 18th season. The best part of the news was that Saban Brands (the original people that started Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers) bought the franchise back from Disney and they have huge plans for the series. It's awesome to see that a series that I grew up with as a kid will be back in full force by its original owners so that a new generation can enjoy the awesome how. To read up on all the details of Saban getting the show back, check this thread: present to you the 18th/19th season of Power Rangers...

Power Rangers Samurai:

Power Rangers Super Samurai:

Power Rangers Samurai is the 18th season of Power Rangers, and Power Rangers Super Samurai is the 19th season of Power Rangers. These two seasons are based off of the Japanese series "Samurai Sentai Shinkenger". Below is the storyline for the seasons...

Power Rangers Samurai:
"Centuries ago in Japan, Nighlok monsters invaded our world. A group of Samurai warriors defeated them with the mystical Samurai Symbols of Power, passed down from parent to child. Today, the evil Nighlok have risen from the Netherworld once again and plan to flood the Earth. A new generation of heroes, known as the Power Rangers Samurai, must master the Samurai Sword and the ancient Samurai Symbols of Power which give them control over the elements of Fire, Water, Sky, Forest, and Earth. The new Rangers, Jayden, Kevin, Mia, Emily and Mike are not alone in their struggle. An all-knowing mentor named Ji and special spirit animals called Zords (Lion, Dragon, Ape, Turtle and Bear) aid in their attack against the relentless dark forces of the Netherworld and a mysterious Warrior (Deker) bent on destruction, led by the Evil Master Xandred."

Power Rangers Super Samurai:
"The Power Rangers continue to wage their battle against the evil Master Xandred, who has now joined forces with a new super villain, the malevolent Serrator. Through the power of the legendary Black Box, the Samurai Rangers are able to form all new Megazord combinations and becomes Super Samurai. It also allows them to tap into the power of their ancestors and unlock Shogun Mode to help protect humanity from the Netherworld's vile villains. The Black box also allows the Super Samurai to morph into Super Mega Mode inside the Megazord cockpit, which enhances their powers to aid in the battle against super monsters. In addition, a new super weapon, the Bullzooka, will make its first appearance, harnessing some serious laser power to help in the battle to stop the evil Serrator. The team of Rangers continues their quest to save the world from evil, including Jayden the Red Ranger and the team's leader who harbors a secret, Antonio the Gold Ranger who is the most outgoing and playful of the group and a computer genius, Mia the Pink Ranger who is the confident and caring "big sister" of the Rangers, Kevin the Blue Ranger who is a great swordsman and fully embraces the code of the Samurai, Emily the Yellow Ranger who is the youngest and most optimistic of the group, and Mike the Green Ranger who is a bit of a rebel and would rather be destroying video monsters than real ones"

Theme Song:

The theme song for Power Rangers Samurai is a new version of the "Go Go Power Rangers" theme song used for the original Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers. This is the first time in the series since Power Rangers Zeo (season 4) that a version of the original theme was used for the theme song. For Power Rangers Samurai, they've replaced the lyrics "You Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers" with "Rangers Together, Samurai Forever". You can watch the opening with the new theme song above. This is also version of the opening that also includes the sixth ranger.

The theme song remained the same for Power Rangers Super Samurai, however the accompanying video was updated to reflect the new season. Here is the new opening:

The Power Rangers Samurai team use their Samuraizers to draw the Samurai Symbols of Power and morph into Power Rangers with the call of "Go Go Samurai!", as seen below...

Red Ranger: Jayden
- Played by Alex Heartman
- Element: Fire
- Weapon: Fire Smasher
- Zord: Lion
- Like his zord, the lion, Jayden is a ferocious leader. He is a man of few words, but when he speaks, every breath counts. He is kind and caring but knows how to be firm when the time comes. He also has a secret that he must keep from all the other Rangers.

Blue Ranger: Kevin
- Played by Najee-De-Tiege
- Element: Water
- Weapon: Hydro Bow
- Zord: Dragon
- Kevin is a disciplined master swordsman and a professional swimmer. His strict but wise father trained him from birth in the ways of the Samurai. He's often the cause of comic relief in the group, but when it comes time to get a job done, you want this warrior on your team.

Green Ranger: Mike
- Played by Hector David Jr.
- Element: Forest
- Weapon: Forest Spear
- Zord: Bear
- Mike isn't a troublemaker, but he is a bit of a rebel. He loves video games and hanging out with his friends. And although he is a very talented Ranger, this free spirit's wild, goofy sense of humor doesn't always line up with the ways of the Samurai. But this shouldn't stop him from giving his all to every battle.

Yellow Ranger: Emily
- Played by Brittany Pirtle
- Element: Earth
- Weapon: Earth Slicer
- Zord: Ape
- Emily is a sweet, innocent country girl who was never supposed to be a Power Ranger. It was her sister who was destined for the squad, but an illness forced Emily to take her place. Although she is a bit of a fish out of water, the passion of the team and the bustle of the city inspires Emily to train hard and make her sister proud.

Pink Ranger: Mia
- Played by Erika Fong
- Element: Sky
- Weapon: Sky Fan
- Zord: Turtle
- Mia is a confident, sensitive big sister to the Power Rangers. She is so eager to give that sometimes her own needs get overlooked. She considers herself to be a great cook, but you'd have a hard time finding another Ranger who agreed. One thing they can agree on is that Mia is a crucial part of their monster-fighting family.

Gold Ranger: Antonio
- Played by Steven Skyler
- Element: Light
- Weapon: Barracuda Blade
- Zord: Octopus

When the Samurai Rangers enter their Zords, they power up into their Mega Mode, as seen in the image below:

- "Evil Master" of the Netherworld who leads monsters known as Nighloks. He wants the Sanzu River from the Netherworld to rise with the tears of humans, causing it to flood and allowing him to enter the world of the living and take it over.

- Master Xandred's chief advisor.

- The other of Master Xandred's followers. She is only half monster, and struggles her human past.

- Played by Ricardo Medina Jr.
- A mysterious warrior bent on destruction

Master Xandred and his followers send monsters known as Nighloks to attack the human world. When a Nighlok is destroyed, it can grow into a giant Mega Monster and the Samurai Rangers need to summon their Zords to fight them. Master Xandred also commands an army of footsoldiers known as Moogers that are sent out to battle alongside the Nighloks.

Other Cast:
- Played by Rene Naufahu
- Mentor to the Power Rangers Samurai team

Lauren (Name subject to change)
- Played by Kimberley Crossman

- Played by Paul Schrier
- Bulk was previously on the show from the original Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers to Power Rangers Lost Galaxy.
- Well-meaning, but a bit of a dolt, Bulk has big delusions of grandeur that don't often translate to real life. Fancying himself a Samurai, Bulk is determined to shape Spike, the son of his lifelong best friend Skull, into a true Samurai warrior like himself. These efforts often end in comical disaster, as Bulk has no idea what he's doing, and in the face of danger he often runs in the other direction.

- Played by Felix Ryan
- The hapless son of Skull has inherited his father's clumsy tendencies and his snorting laughter, but that doesn't stop him in his earnest quest to become a Samurai. Though he tries to have courage, Spike is ill-prepared for the dangers that come with being a Samurai and is essentially just a clumsy civilian with a serious crush on the Pink Ranger.

Episode Guide:
The 18th season, Power Rangers Samurai, is over. Re-runs currently air on Nickelodeon and Nicktoons. The 17 previous seasons (which total 700 episodes) and all of Power Rangers Samurai are on Netflix. Nicktoons has begun to air previous seasons under the "Power Rangers Morphenomenon" name and so far has aired Jungle Fury and Dino Thunder, with more likely to air in the future. DVD's of the previous seasons will be released starting this Summer. 

There are 22 episodes of Power Rangers Samurai and 20 episodes of Power Rangers Super Samurai. Of the 22 episodes of Power Rangers Samurai, there are two specials: a Halloween special and a Christmas special. The other 20 Samurai episodes and then 20 Super Samurai episodes are regular episodes. There's also a one hour movie special that aired during the Samurai season but takes place during the Super Samurai season, however it's counted separately. Power Rangers Samurai aired in 2011 and Power Rangers Super Samurai is currently airing now in 2012. Below is the episode list with episode number, name, air date, and time for the premiere on Nickelodeon...

Power Rangers Samurai:
01. The Team Unites - 02/07/11 - 8 pm ET
02. Deal With A Nighlok - 02/13/11 - 12 pm ET
03. Day Off - 02/20/11 - 12 pm ET
04. Sticks And Stones - 02/27/11 - 12 pm ET
05. Fish Out Of Water - 03/06/11 - 12 pm ET
06. There Go The Brides - 03/13/11 - 12 pm ET
07. I Got A Spell On Blue - 03/20/11 - 12 pm ET
08. Forest For The Trees - 03/27/11 - 12 pm ET
09. Test Of The Leader - 04/10/11 - 12 pm ET
10. Jayden's Challenge - 04/17/11 - 12 pm ET
11. Unexpected Arrival - 04/30/11 - 12 pm ET
12. Room For One More - 05/07/11 - 12 pm ET
13. The Blue And The Gold - 05/14/11 - 12 pm ET
14. Team Spirit - 05/21/11 - 12 pm ET
15. The Tengen Gate - 05/28/11 - 12 pm ET
16. Boxed In - 06/04/11 - 12 pm ET
17. Broken Dreams - 10/01/11 - 12 pm ET
18. The Ultimate Duel - 10/08/11 - 12 pm ET (Finale of the "Power Rangers Samurai" season)
19. Origins, Part 1 - 10/15/11 - 12 pm ET (Chronologically the first episode of the season)
20. Origins, Part 2 - 10/22/11 - 12 pm ET (Chronologically the second episode of the season)
21. Party Monsters - 10/29/11 - 12 pm ET (Halloween special)
22. Christmas Together, Friends Forever - 12/10/11 - 12 pm ET (Christmas special)

Power Rangers Super Samurai:
01. Super Samurai - 02/18/12 - 12 pm ET
02. Shell Game - 02/25/12 - 12 pm ET
03. Trading Places - 03/03/12 - 12 pm ET
04. Something Fishy - 03/10/12 - 12 pm ET
05. The Rescue - 03/17/12 - 12 pm ET
06. The Bullzord - 03/24/12 - 12 pm ET
07. He Ain't Heavy Metal, He's My Brother - 03/31/12 - 12 pm ET
08. Kevin's Choice - 04/07/12 - 12 pm ET
09. Runaway Spike - 04/14/12 - 12 pm ET
10. The Strange Case Of The Munchies - 04/21/12 - 12 pm ET
11. A Sticky Situation - 04/28/12 - 12 pm ET
12. Trust Me - 05/05/12 - 12 pm ET
13. The Master Returns - 05/12/12 - 12 pm ET
14. A Crack In The World - ??/??/12 - ??
15. Stroke Of Fate - ??/??/12 - ??
16. Fight Fire With Fire - ??/??/12 - ??
17. The Great Duel - ??/??/12 - ??
18. Evil Reborn - ??/??/12 - ??
19. The Sealing Symbol - ??/??/12 - ??
20. Samurai Forever - ??/??/12 - ?? (Finale of the "Power Rangers Super Samurai" season)